SINC 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award

Late Mohammed Mon Haji,
Mukkam Muslim Orphanage was established in 1956 admitting 22 orphans. Now it has flourished in to an institutional complex containing schools, colleges and professional institutions. The prime aim of the committee is to equip each inmate capable of standing on his feet acquiring modern as well as religious education along with acquiring expertise in any professional or vocational trade. At present more than 300 orphans and destitute are undergoing education. They are provided with all facilities such as food, accommodation, clothes, medical treatment, learning materials, etc at free of cost. Some of the inmates are having neither father nor mother nor near relations. The orphanage committee puts up houses for them as part of their rehabilitation and arranges the marriage of the girls also.
About 100 of the alumni work in different categories in the aided institutions under the management and many works in govt. Services as well in gulf countries. One of our Alumni Mr. Muhammed Ali Shihab had secured the 226th rank in 2010 Civil Service Examination.
At present a few inmates are studying outside Kerala also under full expense and control of the orphanage management (Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc.).
This orphanage won the award for the `best orphanage` from the president of India in 1982 & 2008 competing with various institutions run by different religions across the country. This award was conferred taking in to account of the contribution of the orphanage in the field of education and rehabilitation of the inmates.
The Mohammedan Educational Association, Calicut provides a Foundation Award every year in memory of Janab Kunhammad koya sahib, to an educational institution which gives more contribution to the society during 2009, this Award was won by our orphanage.
The orphanage has also received the Rajiv Gandhi Global Excellence Award in Delhi on 04.09.2012.
The committee runs 27 institutions for achieving the proposed goal.
Website: https://mmomukkam.org/
SINC 2019 Social Hero Awards

Samina Bano
A champion of social justice, equality and inclusion primarily in education, Samina Bano is an Ashoka Fellow, Acumen Fellow and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s GoalKeeper 2018. Samina and her organisation, RightWalk Foundation is working on a provision in Right to Education Act which enables poor children to study in private schools to promote social inclusion. In collaboration with the government, Samina led the state of Uttar Pradesh to a historical change that impacted and mainstreamed over 1,40,000 marginalised children across 75 districts and 12000 schools within 5 years. She has achieved this feat through tactful policy advocacy, leading 16+ policies reforms, and capacity building of 2000 educators, 500 government officials, 50 parliamentarians and 200 media personals. Samina got 13 EWS children admitted in a highly influential school in Lucknow. Several key policy reform while advising the former Chief Minister of the largest state and RTE ONLINE PORTAL have been some of her other noted accomplishments. Recipient of APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Innovation in Governance (KIGA). She has been listed by ScooNews magazine among India’s top Education Influencers in 2018.

Sifiya Haneef
Sifiya, who lives in Palakkad in Kerala, helps families in getting shelter, constructing toilets in slums and colonies, medicines to the ailing a lot more. Sifiya’s husband died when she was 20-years of age, just four years after her marriage. By then she had two kids and a long daunting life ahead. Today, this young woman helps and touches lives of more than 300 families on the brink. Sifiya picked up a part-time job to meets ends after she lost her husband and discontinued her studies. Sifiya soon realised the magnitude of suffering of widows. On her Facebook page, ‘Chithal,’ she penned down and shared miseries and problems of widows, ailing mothers, elderly, cancer patients etc, garnering support for them through donations.
The Neerja Bhanot Pan Am Trust has announced Sifiya Haneef as the recipient of the prestigious Neerja Bhanot Award to be conferred upon her on Neerja’s birth anniversary in Chandigarh this September 2019

Ayub Ahmed
Ayub Ahmed, a resident of Shaktinagar in city, he does the odd job of shifting unidentified and unclaimed bodies from different parts of the city to the Mysore Medical College mortuary and even performs the last rites of some as per their religion. The 38-year-old Ayub Ahmed, popularly known as Ayub Ahmedji, has been carrying out this job, for the past 18 years. Ayub says that he is carrying out his job as a service to the society so that his work will always remain in the minds of the people.
SINC 2019 Young Social Hero Award

Wali Rahmani
Wali Rahmani is 20 years old motivational speaker & law student studying in New Delhi. He makes informative videos on social and political issues on YouTube. He utilized social media to fight fake news, hatred and fascism , his mission to make the Indian citizens aware about issues of national importance such as governance, policies, constitution, media, communal hate and fake news.
He has shaken all India with his strong fearless mind, at these 18 years of age he has raised his voice fearlessly. He was the youngest Indian TV Debate panelist and public speaker and social activist. He has also started a daycare center called Umeed in Kolkata for orphans and street children. Umeed’s mission is to turn them into assets. Umeed will be a production house of leaders. Leaders are not born – they are made, and every child at Umeed is a leader and change maker in the making.
Wali Rahmani on National Television Debates:
SINC 2019 Model NGO Awards

Langar E Rasool
Sunni Muslim Chhota Kabrastan Trust manages both the Bilal Masjid and the Idgah Maidan and other charitable activities.
Hazrat Syed Moinuddin Ashraf (Moin Miya), one of the President/Chairman of Sunni Muslim Chhota Kabrastan Trust suggested for this noble activity as “The Prophet encouraged people to feed the poor and the hungry and the hungry can be from any religion.” and this concept helped us to serve in the Social Development Sector of the Country. The Trustees and Members for Sunni Muslim Chhota Kabrastan Trust respect the words of Hazrat Syed Moinuddin Ashraf (Moin Miya) and started with an idea of helping the Social Organisations in the area through proper planning to ensure that Social Programs successfully.
The Lanagar E Rasool started in March-2017, this activity of Trust provides daily food/meals to needy people, packed in containers. These vegetarian food packets, contains rotis, sabzi, curry, veg pulao, veg biryani, achar and water (each day a different menu) to the hungry of any community like Muslim, Hindu and other community, impoverished lot who have queued up at the Idgah Maidan on the mosque’s eastern flank. More than 200 people fulfil their hunger through this food packet distribution around 8.30 pm daily.
The objectives are to strengthen the under privileged and economically backward community.

Tarraqi ‘I’ Foundation
Tarraqi ‘I’ Foundation is a registered trust (with 12A/80G certification) striving to develop qualitative education, skills (especially life skills), employment and entrepreneurship for the underprivileged. It is also working to strengthen peace through inter cultural and inter-community synergy.
TiF has been facilitating education leaders/teachers training, 360 degrees school assessment, curriculum enhancement, life skills development as well as education research and advocacy. It believes in fostering deep trust, empathy and dialogue with the communities and works with the stakeholders in a participatory way.
‘Tarraqi’ means progress in Urdu. The letter ‘I’ holds myriad interpretations. It could refer to self in self reliance and self development. ‘I’ for some could stand for India and/or for Islam. ‘I’ could also imply Intelligence, Innovation, Inspiration, Inclusion, Integration et al.
Taraqqi ‘I’ Foundation includes and actively reaches out to marginalized groups irrespective of religion, region or caste. Hence, the core significance of I lies in ‘Insaaniyat’ (Humanity) which includes the universal values of Ikhlaas (sincerity), Ikraam (caring or being hospitable), Itedaal (Balance). Together these core values form the bedrock of the multi-faceted efforts of TiF

Safa Baitul Maal
Safa, established in 2006, registered as a religious trust by the name Safa Baitul Maal Religious & Welfare Trust, it has 50 branches across 9 states of India. Head office is located in Hyderabad which incorporates 20 departments comprising of about 200 staff members and many volunteers are available for supporting the various welfare projects. The major source of funding is through scrap business, general donations and the donation boxes kept at the homes & offices of our donors.
Safa Baitulmaal’s concept is reaching out to the slums, so that the deprived can be surveyed and their needs can be catered accordingly. The survey system is the backbone of their work. After careful surveys, they conclude on which members are most deserving.
Website: www.safabaitulmaal.org
E-mail: info@safabaitulmaal.org
YouTube: www.youtube.com/safabaitulmaal/safa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/safabaitulmaal

Working with young people to create a just, humane & sustainable world!
Samvada was established in 1992 to give young people from all backgrounds an opportunity to critically reflect on their own lives, learn about social justice, gender equity, and sustainability, and be mentored about their life decisions.
There are now 7 Youth Resource Centres in Bangalore, Gulbarga, Mangalore, Kolar, Chitradurga, Tumkur and Hosapete run either by Samvada or in collaboration with youth focused organisations. In all these centres, through a unique reflexive pedagogy that we have developed, youth are supported, sensitised, empowered and mobilised to become leaders of social change.
Samvada’s youth mentors offer young people a non-judgemental space in the form of youth resource centres or Yuva Samvada Kendras. The centre is an adda for them to drop in and talk, gain exposure to newer perspectives and current affairs, make new friends, share their career dilemmas and learn about new careers & ways of living.
The goal of each centre is also to leave behind a legacy of a generation of youth leaders who deeply care about social and ecological justice. Youth leaders, emerging out of each centre, often join hands with local movements in their geography, bringing fresh perspectives and working towards a just, humane and sustainable world.
In 2006, Baduku Community College was set up to address the need for meaningful, rewarding and dignified livelihoods for young people from socially excluded communities. The college now runs trans-disciplinary courses on Sustainable Agriculture, Responsible Tourism, Online reporting, Agri entrepreneurship, Journalism for Peace and Development, Script writing and direction Career Guidance, Waste Management, Counselling for wellness and justice, Fitness instructors course, Creative College Level Teaching, and Early Childhood Care and Education.
These courses have a two pronged objective: to enable young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter and influence existing socially critical professions, and to create new professions that address socio-political needs and ecological crisis of our times. Over the last ten years more than 700 youth have been educated at Baduku.
Our Youth Work Promotion Centre offers courses on Youth Work for Social Change, builds knowledge on youth work and incubates youth resource centres.
Having been a youth-work and livelihoods-education organization for many years, we felt a great need to focus our energies and resources more and more towards promoting youth work as a profession in the state of Karnataka and beyond. Skilled, committed and sensitive youth workers are urgently required in large numbers to take on the responsibility of working with young people in a way that transforms their lives and orients their worldviews towards social justice.
Youth work has the potential to transform young peoples’ lives individually as well as the potential to transform our social fabric.
Our interactions with young people have continuously brought us face to face with their dilemmas, traumas and questions related to family, work, religion and their questions about their changing context. Responding to them meaningfully demands deeper insights into the changing landscape and an understanding of their fears and doubts. Samvada has initiated a range of research studies to help us come to grips with their realities and dreams.